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- Making Your Home a Haven: Strategies for the Domestically Challenged
- Great strategies for organizing your home for Christians.
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- Algebra I (Cliffs Quick Review)
- Whether you're brushing up on pre-Algebra concepts or on your way toward mastering algebraic fractions, factoring, and functions, CliffsQuickReview Algebra I can help. This guide introduces each topic, defines key…
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- The Compact Guide To World Religions
- The Compact Guide to World Religions is a complete, easy-to-use Christian handbook of the origins, basic beliefs, and evangelistic challenges and opportunities of the world's major religions in clear, easy-to-use…
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- $8.00
- What Would Jesus Do Today? Devotional
- Building on the phenomenally successful "What Would Jesus Do?" movement, this book from the award-winning author of the "Pocket Full of . . ".. series will help parents bring Jesus'…
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- Parables for Kids
- Children and families alike will enjoy the timeless truths found in Danae Dobson's Parables for Kids. Each present-day parable includes full-color illustrations and an application written by Danae's father, Dr.…
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- Kaplan AP English Literature and Composition 2012 (Kaplan AP English Literature & Composition)
- The top-selling Advanced Placement test preparation guide that delivers 70 years of proven Kaplan experience and features exclusive strategies, practice, and review to help students ace the AP English Literature…
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- More Ultimate Healing
- Our team of doctors and scientists have uncovered a fast-acting cure or remedy for almost every ailment on Earth. Five or 10 years from now, these cures will be commonplace.…
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- Moving Beyond Failure: Lessons From the Life of Peter by Bill Crowder (2012-05-04)
- Lessons From the Life of Peter
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- Speaking of Women’s Health the Book
- Educating women to make informed decisions about their health, well-being, and personal safety.
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- Faith in Action (James)
- This book has been prepared primarily for group study in connection with the Adult Teachers Guide, available from Regular Baptist Press. May also be used for individual study.
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- Waiting for the Second Coming: Studies in Thessalonians
- Ray Stedman's study of Paul's letters to the Thessalonians helps you to realize afresh the resources that you as a Christian already possess through the Spirit's inner strengthening and the…
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- Persia: The Final Jihad
- Persia: The Final Jihad, outlines the history of Persia long before Daniel or Esther. It sets the historical stage for modern-day Iran, and peels the layers from decep- tions and…
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