- $15.00
- The Very Lonely Firefly (Penguin Young Readers, Level 2)
- From bestselling author and illustrator Eric Carle, the creator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, comes another classic tale about one very lonely firefly. A perfect gift to share with the…
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- $5.00
- Bag Balm and Duct Tape
- When young Dr. Beach Conger accepted a hospital appointment in rural Vermont, it was a mail-order marriage without either party seeing the other. He envisioned living out the rest of…
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- $5.00
- If My People . . .: A 40-Day Prayer Guide for Our Nation
- If My People guides believers on a 40-day prayer journey in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14. "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and…
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- $5.00
- God Calling (Inspirational Library)
- Listen. . . God is Calling You Calling you with His love. Calling you with His comfort. Calling you with His joy.
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- $20.00
- The Simple Heart Cure: The 90-Day Program to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease
- Dr. Crandall is living proof of his program's success. At the age of 48, and with no major risk factors, he found himself in the ER with a widow-maker blockage…
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- $10.00
- Rhythms of Grace: Discovering God’s Tempo for Your Life
- Author Kerri Weems had let the pace and rhythm of her life get out of control. At first the consequences were only physical, but they quickly impacted her spiritual life.…
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- $10.00
- Daily Guideposts 2010 (Daily Guideposts (Deluxe/Leather))
- Every day, Daily Guideposts offers a short Scripture verse for reflection; a true, first-person anecdote, told in an informal, conversational style, that shares the ways God speaks to us in…
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- $5.00
- Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
- In Your Best Life Now, Osteen says, "I am what I am today because of what I believed about myself yesterday. And I will be tomorrow what I'm believing about…
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- $5.00
- Romans: A Verse by Verse Study
- Dr. Hobbs follows Paul's thought with meticulous care, making the text practical and understandable for both laymen and pastors. He augments textual explanations with helpful historical facts, and relates the…
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- $6.70
- Amplify Your Business: The Rockstar Professional’s Guide to Marketing Success: Volume 1
- If you're launching a new small business or struggling with making smart marketing decisions for your existing business. Then you need this book now!
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- $5.00
- Bottom Line’s Health Breakthroughs 2008
- New health breakthroughs and alternative cures can saves lives - if you know about them.
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- Hell’s Corner
- John Carr, aka Oliver Stone-once the most skilled assassin his country ever had-stands in Lafayette Park in front of the White House, perhaps for the last time. The president has…
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