Gripped by the Greatness of God

This book will spur new and seasoned believers alike to detest mediocrity in their spiritual walks. Ideal for individual or small group study.

ISBN: 9780802447784 SKU: GB035_01 Categories: ,


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When was the last time you were truly gripped by God’s greatness?

Most Christians recall heartfelt resolutions around a fire at bible camp as children or a revival meeting. But what causes the fervor of those experiences to translate into a consistent life pattern?

Pastor and author James MacDonald believes that the better we understand God, the better we understand ourselves, and the less likely we are to favor our own will over God’s. He writes, “God is not safe and He will not be squeezed into some neat, respectable Sunday discussion… No. To know God at all is to watch Him explode any box we put Him in with His terror, majesty, and indescribable wonder.'”

Expounding upon Isaiah’s encounters with God, MacDonald prods snoozing saints to rediscover the wonder of God’s attributes. He also shares candidly from his experiences in life and ministry where God proved Himself to be the Great I AM.

This book will spur new and seasoned believers alike to detest mediocrity in their spiritual walks. Ideal for individual or small group study.

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