The Untold Secret: That Creates True Wealth

The Untold Secret … reveals the patterns, obstacles and cycles our Creator incorporated for Entrepreneurs and leaders that will test and challenge their Character, Humility, Obedience and Persistence and lead them to their True Wealth. Overview Can you obtain the same level of wealth as Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates with their super-rich accomplishments? Hundreds of authors and millionaires have attempted to explain their formula so that you can duplicate their super success. But can you believe them? True Wealth is not inherited but created through visions, dreams, hard work, ups and downs, failures and successes—it is far more than riches, money or possessions. It encompasses the deeper things of life that affect your body, soul and spirit and accomplishments in life.

ISBN: 9781494708344 SKU: GB032_38 Categories: ,


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The Untold Secret … reveals the patterns, obstacles and cycles our Creator incorporated for Entrepreneurs and leaders that will test and challenge their Character, Humility, Obedience and Persistence and lead them to their True Wealth. Overview Can you obtain the same level of wealth as Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates with their super-rich accomplishments? Hundreds of authors and millionaires have attempted to explain their formula so that you can duplicate their super success. But can you believe them? True Wealth is not inherited but created through visions, dreams, hard work, ups and downs, failures and successes—it is far more than riches, money or possessions. It encompasses the deeper things of life that affect your body, soul and spirit and accomplishments in life.

Authors and entrepreneurs Brig Hart and John Beehner ask, “Did three men in different writings in the first century AD record a ‘secret’ for all mankind?” They contend you will never hear or learn about this on celebrity shows. On their life quests Brig and John have worked coached or inspired hundreds of entrepreneurs to discover the fastest road to make their first $10 million. Ultimately, the real truth behind creating wealth evades most people, but is rooted in the trials and tests that leaders experience in life and business. The depth and richness of this book lies in the stories of entrepreneurs that have built their companies like Nike, McDonalds, IBM, Mary Kay, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, J.C. Penney, Starbucks, Quaker Oats, MonaVie, Southwest Airlines, Jet Blue, CNN, FedEx just to name just a few. It is the powerful inside example of ‘sowing and reaping’ that the media fails to share with its audiences. They still believe ‘bad news outsells the good News’ and profound insight of this book, “The Untold Secret” unlocks the mystery behind successful men and women who have received a vision and mission.

See how they produced a harvest in difficult soil and inspire their staff with their passionate spirit. In today’s marketplace, the word ‘secret’ is widely used by marketers, but Brig and John discovered the foundational truth that Jesus taught over 2,000 years ago. He seldom used the word ‘secret’ so when He used the word you have to listen intently. Three times in Matthew, Luke, and Mark, the “Secret of the Kingdom” is presented by Jesus as found in the Parable of the Sower. The parable describes what happens when the seed is sown on hard soil, rocky soil, thorny soil, and good soil. If you are called to be a passionate risk taker in life or business, this book will inspire you with faith, hope, and encouragement.


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