Colorado Classique

Colorado Classique features a collection of recipes from the casual Apres Ski Beans to the elegant Truffled Gnocchi, beautiful photography, and a Colorado restaurant chapter.

ISBN: 9780960394685 SKU: GB034_07 Categories: ,


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Book is in great shape except for a single blank page torn from just inside the front cover.

Colorado Classique features a collection of recipes from the casual Apres Ski Beans to the elegant Truffled Gnocchi, beautiful photography, and a Colorado restaurant chapter. This most recent cookbook introduces beer flavor profiles provided by Boulder Beer Company, Colorado’s first microbrewery. You’ll learn whether a pilsner or malt would be the perfect match for your meal. If you prefer wine, The Vineyard Wine Shop has provided wine pairing suggestions including details about why a particular wine will compliment your recipe. Enjoy! The book is certified environmentally conscious by the Forest Stewardship Council.

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